REFLECTION The past few weeks, the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) held meetings in Geneva. Since its establishment in 2006, the Council has been a contentious institution. The lawyer Sara Bengtson situates one of the main criticisms against the HRC – that its lack of formal membership criteria prevents it from effectively promoting human rights – in the context of a broader … [Läs mer...]
The Nobel Peace Price 2018 helps high-lighting urgent need to stop sexual violence
ANALYS Brigid Inder har i decennier arbetat för att stärka kvinnors rättigheter, främst inom civilsamhället, bl a i Kivu-provinsen i DRC. Hon har varit ordförande i den internationella kvinnorättsorganisationen AWID, Association for Women’s Rights in Development och särskild rådgivare till chefsåklagaren i den internationella brottsmålsdomstolen (ICC) där hon bl a arbetat mot … [Läs mer...]
Families under occupation unable to protect their children
REFLECTION The Palestinian psychiatrist Samah Jabr has met many of the Palestinian children and young people who have been detained in Israeli prisons after being arrested by the Israeli military. She has found that many of them have lost faith in the parents' ability to protect the family and safe-guard the children's confidence in the future. “Who protects the Arab child? … [Läs mer...]
Post-election: When all bets are off
Donald Trump won the US election. While dealing with this shock it is important that we gather our thoughts and look to the future. Dan Smith, Director of SIPRI and professor of peace and conflict, argues that in these difficult times, we must stand firm to defend gains that have been made for peace, prosperity and reducing the damage we do to nature. We can only make a new … [Läs mer...]
Libya – Between progress and fragmentation
ANALYSIS There is an on-going, intensive process to mediate peace in war-torn Libya, but despite important progress, the country remains divided. Today, Dr. Mattia Toaldo, Senior Policy Fellow at the British think tank European Council on Foreign Relations, writes about some of the challenges of peace process. Good, as well as bad news, has recently dominated news from … [Läs mer...]