ANALYS We are facing existential threats to human security that are not amenable to solution by military forces The catastrophic summer bushfires incinerated the livelihoods and the lifestyles of so many Australians who live along our coastal fringe. And while the landscape is recovering, albeit slowly, their circumstances are not. Indeed, the arrival of the pandemic has … [Läs mer...]
Part II: Working with Religion or Working for Faith?
Den här artikelserien är på engelska. För en sammanfattning på svenska, klicka här. REFLEKTION This text on religion, faith and politics consists of two parts. The first addressed the use of religion in current times when core values of what has built societies and multilateral cooperation are being challenged and brutal force too often is mixed up with power. This second … [Läs mer...]
Humanitarian Disasters in the Sahel Despite Repeated Warning Signs
ANALYSIS The Sahel region has been suffering the consequences of multiple conflicts for a long time. Current humanitarian disasters were not unexpected, they were predetermined. Various underlying causes, such as cultural disputes and unstable food production as a result of climate change, have long contributed to multiple and complex conflicts. Sahel is a tragic example of how … [Läs mer...]
Universality vs. A Liberal Federation: Reflections on the UN Human Rights Council
REFLECTION The past few weeks, the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) held meetings in Geneva. Since its establishment in 2006, the Council has been a contentious institution. The lawyer Sara Bengtson situates one of the main criticisms against the HRC – that its lack of formal membership criteria prevents it from effectively promoting human rights – in the context of a broader … [Läs mer...]
The Nobel Peace Price 2018 helps high-lighting urgent need to stop sexual violence
ANALYS Brigid Inder har i decennier arbetat för att stärka kvinnors rättigheter, främst inom civilsamhället, bl a i Kivu-provinsen i DRC. Hon har varit ordförande i den internationella kvinnorättsorganisationen AWID, Association for Women’s Rights in Development och särskild rådgivare till chefsåklagaren i den internationella brottsmålsdomstolen (ICC) där hon bl a arbetat mot … [Läs mer...]