Denna text publicerades först på Harvard Kennedy School ASH CENTER for Democratic governance and innovation. MS tackar för vi får publicera texten i sin helhet. Börje Ljunggren, som i decennier följt utvecklingen i Indien bl a som chef för Utrikesdepartementets Asien-avdelning, kommenterar här hur landet förändrats under bara ett halvt sekel och hur landet ser ut idag. … [Läs mer...]
Högerpopulismens framväxt
Högerpopulism har växt sig stark i en rad länder världen över under senare år, inklusive i större, betydelsefulla länder som Förenta Staterna, Indien och Brasilien. Filip Ericsson lyfter här fram forskning och politiska kommentarer om vad som utgör och kännetecknar. Som bl a den kände statsvetaren Jan Werner-Müller pekar på så är populismens kännetecken att dess … [Läs mer...]
Demokratiska Republiken Kongo – valår i ett land i konflikt
ANALYSIS The Congolese political landscape is in perpetual motion. In 2018, Joseph Kabila was forced not to change the constitution and not to impose his dauphin. Today, in a context of neither peace nor social progress, young people concerned about the pacification of the country, give hope. Meanwhile, the political parties set eyes on the upcoming elections in late … [Läs mer...]
“Changing the way they live” (Part II): 20 years since the US invasion of Iraq the region is torn by conflicts
ANALYSIS Twenty years after the US invasion of Iraq, the country is still plagued by sectarian conflict. The US declared quest for democracy went totally wrong, and the US was not seen as liberators, and never understood how to win the peace. The aftermath of the war was violent, with fighting not just between Iraqis, but with links to Syria and ISIS. In June 2004 a … [Läs mer...]
“Changing the way they live” (part I): 20 years since the US invasion of Iraq – the doctrines, the violence and how the Middle East became a magnet for terrorists
ANALYSIS By March 2023, 20 years have passed since the US invasion of Iraq, a revolutionary incident that led to a full-scale civil war that is partly ongoing to this day. Thus, it is time to go through the reasons for the invasion and the subsequent wars, what happened, and the current situation in the still war-torn region. Through the epic terror attacks in New York on … [Läs mer...]